
champion ship at school

Soon, i will have a champion ship at school. The competitions that i will do are story telling and spelling bee. In story telling, i will tell a story about the elves and the shoemaker while in spelling bee, i have to spell words. My brother told me that he will sing songs that are called getting to know you and little sunny waters.The winners will get throphies.


more games on fb

I was so pleased with my facebook. I decided to play more games .I played more than 60 games now and that is really a lot of games.But my favorite game on fb is always pet society.When you want to join a game face book always asks permission. Sometimes they ask you to acess birthdays. But if you cancel this sort of permission you can 't play the game.I mean you still can aceppt this permission but you dont get a chance to play the game.so it is better if you aceeppt a permission.

my holiday on february

I am going to thailand on february .In thailand , i will go fishing, swimming, sleep in a hotel and more.I will go to thailand by aeroplane. the type of aeroplane we are going is air asia . i will bring my school bag.

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